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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Will I Do Well in IB?

Often asked is the question of whether you will do better in regular or IB courses. IB has conversions, however the material is harder. So how to choose? Well firstly, I've established some criteria for a good (not ideal) IB student (this is to get GOOD results (6s):

-hard worker/willing to put in the effort
-can procrastinate, however only as long as he/she knows they still have enough time to get the work done (as in never procrastinates so long they cannot finish by the deadline. big nono)
-is a good memorizor/understands concepts (either or. both=maximum potential)
-can BS well, but makes it sound intelligent

How to know if IB will actually give you higher marks.

If you are a person who can memorize/understand concepts well, then IB will allow you to get higher marks. This is because it should not matter what you have to memorize or how much (usually).

For these good memorizers/understanders in a regular stream, though the material is easier, memorizing ability is still at the same effectiveness. However to get that 98% they can only get 1 wrong; doing IB however, though there is more content, memorization still remains the same and so on the test they will have memorized the content just as effectively but this time they can get 5 or 6 wrong and still achieve that 98%.

In this way, if you are a good student, IB helps you. If you are a brilliant student, IB rockets you to stardom (because you don't get that many wrong, and combined with IB conversions gives you those consistent 98/99%s). If you are a bad student/have trouble memorizing/understanding concepts -then the harder material will just add to the content you cannot memorize and the concepts you cannot understand. In this way, IB screws over those whose learning styles and abilities do not fit the memorization/concept route, and so regular stream with its lighter educational load, will favor them more.

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