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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

In University -What's the Impact of IB?

So I've been at university for 2 months, done midterms, talked with friends, etc etc. -and now I have advice/results/reflections for you.

Background Info:
-I went to a mediocre university. My program itself is in the top 4 of the country, however its admission criteria and the university itself have a lot to be desired.
-I am taking business.


-for business students (but many health sci/biomed students as well) uni is a LOT easier
-my avg currently is higher than my high school avg (HSavg=95.8%)
-for those with more difficult programs, they find that while many of their classmates struggle, for them its just normal stuff. things come easier.
-if it isnt easier, then it most definitely is NOT harder. of course this is general, but the consensus is that it's not harder.

Tangible pros of IB:

-much of first year courses we've already done
-you know those key words you memorized (describe, explain, compare&contrast etc) ? well they really help now :P they allow you to be precise in your answer, and actually answer the question properly
-tests (midterms) and writing assignments take you a lot less time. A LOT less time.
-studying takes you a lot less time than fellows; and the content you need to learn from midterms seems VERY SMALL - a midterm is less than an avg ib unit science test
-you have less homework. everything feels like less homework and less stressful :P

Con of IB:
-you miss statements. man do i miss statements. what am i supposed to know EXACTLY? :P
-social con: you get used to having a really tight group of friends, and most are all very academics oriented. therefore you have similar goals + values. coming to uni many of my friends and I(and like outgoing, debate captains, sports players etc) found it very hard to relate to these new kids. they all seem quite immature. it is tough to make friends.

Well that's all for now -I will update you once again after final exams. :) good luck!