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Friday, January 13, 2012

Living with the IB

Any questions about life as an IB student should go here :)


  1. HOw many hours a day do you study?
    What is hard about bio? Any tips on bio?
    How many hours of slee pdo you get? HOw many hours do you recommend?

    Thank you! :)

    1. Hey. So I didn't "study" everyday except for the day before a test. homework-wise though, I put in about 2-3ish hours? Depended on the day -with many going over, and some going under.

      For Bio - I think there is just a lot of memorization, so if you can memorize your good (y). In terms of syllabus -they go into a lot of detail, especially with light&dark cycle, krebs, etc -so that was a pretty nasty section :P
      In terms of tips: Make sure you UNDERSTAND the concepts -not just memorization; because it makes studying & remembering for the exam much easier. Also read extra material on it if you have time (from textbooks, etc).

      How many hours of sleep? About 7-8hrs/day
      How many do I recommend? I had friends who did 3 and were fine... so everyone's different. But I really think 8-9 is awesome :P

  2. and P.S, how do mark conversions work? :P
    And any tips on surviving? haha...
    And what generally were your marks in pre-ib and then into IB? (so that I can understand generally how much my own marks are going to plunge) T.T haha :P
    Thanks again!!! Hopefully this blog isnt dead..? XD

    1. Mark conversions are specific to each provincial school board (and therefore country), but generally:

      7= 96-100%
      6= 90-95
      5= 80-89
      4= 70-79
      3= 60-69
      2= 50-59
      1= 0-49

    2. In terms of tips -see the tips of the trade on your right :P If you have more specific questions let me know :)

      As for my marks -I'm a bit of a different case. I got very competitive once I got in IB because I don't like being show up -while in pre-IB the "competitive/keener" level was much lower. So my marks actually went up from an 86% avg to 95.8 (what I graduated HS with). I also found that most of my friends maintained their marks (those that went in with 90s stayed in the 90s), while those with 80s either maintained or dropped to some 70s, and then those with 70s dropped quite a bit lower.

    3. Sorry about the late reply -you caught me in uni exam time :P
